Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Field Trip with Emma

Today I got to go on Emma's field trip. This was the first year since she has started school that I actually had days available to be able to take off. I enjoyed the time with her! We don't get girl time very often. We didn't get to see much but sure did get some entertainment from the elephants! The boy elephant was extremely excited!!!!! It was wonderful to get a great laugh. I guess I didn't really realize how fast Emma is really growing up until today. The girls weren't too interested in seeing things, they just wanted to hang and take goofy pictures and enjoy being together. Man she is growing up way too fast!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cole Man

Well Josh was reading the Sunday comics today and he found a comic that fits our son so much! Every time we go somewhere that involves walking, cole always wants to be carried because he claims he can't walk. Well low and behold we don't pick him up because he weighs a ton. We just thought this was funny!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Please pray for our grandma! She is really sick and we want her to feel much better!

Cont of Home Depot

The boys also discovered that Home Depot was going to have a scavenger hunt throughout the store. Cole's goal was to win so that he could come home with a bag of candy. Well he did thanks to his daddy.

Then at the end they had a car show in the parking lot. This seemed to be Cole's favorite part. He is definitely a boy and loves to look at big trucks!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Home Depot Day with Daddy

Last night I got an email saying that Home Depot was letting kids build bird feeders. So we signed up Cole. He was so excited to get to spend the day with daddy!!!! The left at 8:30 in the morning and headed out. Come to find out when they got there, you could make a bird feeder or a sail boat. Well Cole decided on the boat because a pirate ship will be coming to visit the Home Depot. Here are some pictures of the building process.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt at the Stock Yards

Saturday, March 30th we took the kids to egg hunt at the Fort Worth stock yards. There are millions of children there. It is nice though that they split them all up by different age groups. Our kids just aren't very aggressive. They didn't walk away with very many eggs but they did enjoy theirselves. Then we walked around the got to see a shoot out with two cowboys. We had taken Minnie with us and she didn't want any part of the gun sounds. So I walked around with her while josh and the kids watched. I love going and looking in all their little shops around there. They have a new spice shop that is really neat but man it is pricey. They are not in my budget. We had an enjoyable Saturday out in Fort Worth.

Painting with Leah

Friday night I got to sneak away from home and children! I went to Arlington and painted with Leah. We made a beautiful cross. What a great ending to Good Friday! Thanks for going with me Leah!

Happy Easter!

Well Easter is a little different this year! My mom and brother departed to china so we are not having a family Easter party. Makes Easter a little sad but in the same breath we are going to go visit Josh's aunt and uncle and eat yummy spaghetti warehouse. Last night we did our annual glow in the dark egg hunt with the neighborhood friends. We decided this year we would do it at the park where it was a little darker so the eggs would really glow. The kids had a blast! We also brought along confetti eggs so after the hunt they had fun smashing eggs all over each others heads. Glad we have a great set of neighbors!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Park in Lubbock, Texas

We took an hour and drove to Lubbock to play at the park. While we were there it was hot and there were a bunch of kids there due to it being spring break. The girls ran off and we didn't see much of them except when they would run past. The kids really loved riding on this spinning toy. They kept saying "faster, faster!" After about thirty minutes at the park, they were done. They were whining and complaining they were hot and thirsty. Who would have thought it would be hot at the park in march. Sure enough when we saw papa later that evening he said Lubbock broke a record for the temperature. That would be our luck.

Time with cousins

We went to visit nana and papa out in the country. While we were there, Eastin the baby came out and we gave him his early birthday present. Josh was a great sport and built everything for him. The little fort is really neat and man I need to find a set for my classroom now. Hope he has fun playing with it. We also were able to snatch a photo with nana and all the great grand kids of the family. Papa happened to be out grocery shopping while we were there. Hopefully soon we will be able to snatch one soon with him.