Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt at the Stock Yards

Saturday, March 30th we took the kids to egg hunt at the Fort Worth stock yards. There are millions of children there. It is nice though that they split them all up by different age groups. Our kids just aren't very aggressive. They didn't walk away with very many eggs but they did enjoy theirselves. Then we walked around the got to see a shoot out with two cowboys. We had taken Minnie with us and she didn't want any part of the gun sounds. So I walked around with her while josh and the kids watched. I love going and looking in all their little shops around there. They have a new spice shop that is really neat but man it is pricey. They are not in my budget. We had an enjoyable Saturday out in Fort Worth.

Painting with Leah

Friday night I got to sneak away from home and children! I went to Arlington and painted with Leah. We made a beautiful cross. What a great ending to Good Friday! Thanks for going with me Leah!

Happy Easter!

Well Easter is a little different this year! My mom and brother departed to china so we are not having a family Easter party. Makes Easter a little sad but in the same breath we are going to go visit Josh's aunt and uncle and eat yummy spaghetti warehouse. Last night we did our annual glow in the dark egg hunt with the neighborhood friends. We decided this year we would do it at the park where it was a little darker so the eggs would really glow. The kids had a blast! We also brought along confetti eggs so after the hunt they had fun smashing eggs all over each others heads. Glad we have a great set of neighbors!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Park in Lubbock, Texas

We took an hour and drove to Lubbock to play at the park. While we were there it was hot and there were a bunch of kids there due to it being spring break. The girls ran off and we didn't see much of them except when they would run past. The kids really loved riding on this spinning toy. They kept saying "faster, faster!" After about thirty minutes at the park, they were done. They were whining and complaining they were hot and thirsty. Who would have thought it would be hot at the park in march. Sure enough when we saw papa later that evening he said Lubbock broke a record for the temperature. That would be our luck.

Time with cousins

We went to visit nana and papa out in the country. While we were there, Eastin the baby came out and we gave him his early birthday present. Josh was a great sport and built everything for him. The little fort is really neat and man I need to find a set for my classroom now. Hope he has fun playing with it. We also were able to snatch a photo with nana and all the great grand kids of the family. Papa happened to be out grocery shopping while we were there. Hopefully soon we will be able to snatch one soon with him.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Amarillo Trip to see family!

Yesterday we went to Amarillo to see family. We had a blast! Had to leave daddy behind though to help build some shelves in Abernathy which made us a little sad! So off to Amarillo the kids and I went. We arrived and played some baseball and then we met Heather at the church. The kids went and helped them deliver lunches to kids who need help. Emma absolutely loved it and is still talking about it. Afterwards we all went to chick fila for lunch. It was delicious! The kids and I love that place! Later that day we went to the movies with the whole clan and then wound up back at their house to play all evening. We had so much fun, the kids were exhausted and fell asleep on the way back to Abernathy. Thanks so much Heather and Jackie for having us at your house. We love y'all! Now we are headed to more fun because they let us bring back Taylor with us to Saginaw! Yippee! We are looking forward to spending the weekend with her!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

So proud of my husband!

Last year, Josh was fighting what we thought were ear infections every month. So finally over the summer I said if you get one more we are taking you to the ENT. Well low and behold he got another ear infection. They weren't your normal ear infections, they were nasty green junk draining out of his ear ones. So off to the ent in October we go. The doctor took one look and said well you have a hole in your ear drum. He recommended surgery to fix it but said he wouldn't be in any hurry. He gave josh some ear drops if the infection came back before we decided to do the surgery. So we went to the pharmacy to pick up the drops and a little bitty bottle was 145.00. No way were we paying that for ear drops. So we decided surgery was the way since it should be fully covered. So we scheduled it for over Christmas break. He did awesome! He was very nervous!!!! He said to me I only have one set of ears and what if it doesn't work. We went to the hospital and we will never use that facility again. They wouldn't let me go back there with him. He was mad! When he came out of surgery he was funny! The poor guy was in pain and the nurse gave him some good drugs before we went home. Never seen josh drunk before but he was definitely drunk from the drugs walking into the house. Lol. But after a month of waiting to see results, it worked!!!!!!! He can hear better too! He said the other day, I can actually here some sounds at work that I haven't ever been able to hear! I believe it will help him at work now since he is a band director. This surgery was the best choice we made for josh even though he was very nervous about it in the beginning!

Minnie Mouse

Here is our sweet little addition to our family last year. She is my puppy! She was given to cole for his birthday, but she doesn't really care for him because he isn't always gentle with her. But she loves her mommy! The other day I was wearing one of Josh's sweatshirts and sitting on the couch. Minnie had been outside and obviously was cold. So she crawled with her head first into my pocket. Then Joshua pushed the rest of her into there. She was content. My mom says I am a crazy dog owner, but she is so sweet! It is too hard not to love her!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Leah's Birthday

Leah had a painting party for her birthday! We miss them so much! We don't get to see them very often anymore because of life. It is too stinkin crazy! But we went to Arlington and painted with her and her crew for her birthday with NO children! We had a blast. Leah's neighbor, Jim, is a hoot and really got the instructor going. We need to paint again soon Leah.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Well those of you that really know me know that I love to use stuff out of a box. I do like to try new recipes, but during the week when we are getting ready for school it is whatever you can find in the freezer for breakfast. But while we were at a friends house last weekend she shared a recipe for homemade pancakes. So Cole and I decided we needed to make them on Saturday. He helped mix the batter and helped me pour the batter into the pan. Yes he is a lot like his daddy and loves to help in the kitchen. The final outcome is the recipe is a hit. The kids and I thought they were yummy pancakes.

Emma's Braces

Man I was hoping that we could hold off a little longer, but it looks like they say no. We went to the dentist the beginning of February and he said take her to an orthodontist. So we went and made a consultation appointment with the orthodontist and low and behold we need to do something about these front teeth now. She has a cross bite and he said she can loose some of her front teeth because they are rubbing into the bottom teeth and could cause them to get loose. If they get loose enough then she could permently loose her teeth up top. Guess that is a good story. So we worked on the finance part because man those things are expensive. And on feb 28th Emma got a filling on a cavity and then we headed to the orthodontist and got the process started. This girl has a mouth worth some gold. Maybe I joined the wrong career field. Lol.