A lot of things have happened in our life since I have last posted. Emma has started school. We can not believe she is already in school. Man, where does the time go. We feel really old to have one in school now. She loves it at times, then there are times it is really a struggle. Josh and I have struggled emotionally with the fact that we don't think she is getting the right education. We wanted to move her to another campus to help her be independent and them treat her as a student and not a teacher's child. That isn't happening because of some other things. I won't go down that road. It has been a really long day. But overall we are very proud of her. She has come a long way since she started. It is very hard for us to believe that she is six already. Emma is very head strong just like her mother. She doesn't have a problem telling you what she thinks. Not sure where she gets that from, ha ha. She is growing up way too fast and before we know it she will be grown and in college. I think at this point we really need to slow our lives down. We are so busy with her. In the fall we went and signed her up for girl scouts. Well they had about ten girls, but no one wanted to be the troop mom. So what does the sign on my forehead say, sucker. They saw me coming. So I talked with a friend and we decided we would do it together. So here we go. Wow, it has been one year and it isn't even over with. We have gone and gone and it never seems like we have a weekend at home any more. Girl scouts really keeps us busy. I guess in the long run, it is a really good way for Emma and I to grow together. We are having fun and that is all that matters. We just finished selling cookies. Man I am soooooooooooooooo glad that is over with. It was a pain in the rear end! Really! Emma was the top sales person out of her troop. Thanks to her PawPaw who ordered 120 boxes and sent them over seas with him to the soldiers. Bet those soldiers really enjoyed some cookies. We still have a few weekends where we have to do some clean up sales, but no more cookies just hanging out at my house. YEAH! They sure were yummy, but sure don't look very pretty on our tummy.
New Year, New Fun
5 weeks ago
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